The 3rd of March 1924 is a date etched in most Muslim minds as the moment the Ottoman Khilāfah (Caliphate) ended. This year, some Muslims are commemorating the 100-year anniversary (in the Hijri calendar) since the end of the Khilāfah. It marked the end of a title, political system, and ideal that had existed in one shape or another...
Author: Jahangir Mohammed (Jahangir Mohammed)
The Refugee Crisis within the Ummah: What is the Future?
The number of Muslim refugees around the world is now more than the population of some Muslim majority states. We have an ummah of refugees. Many refugees are left in camps for decades, others live in refugee settlement areas not integrated into the wider societies where they live.
Democracy to demo-fascism
It seems a long time ago since George W Bush junior declared that the United States would spread democracy to the Muslim world. In the aftermath of 9/11, Western governments declared democracy to be a universal value to be aspired to. It was presented as the most modern and advanced form of government that humanity...
The Arabic Language can create greater social solidarity among Muslims.
In our report “Creating a new Civilisation of Islam” we identify 12 approaches or factors that can help create greater solidarity between Muslims around the world. Factor six of the 12 we identify is a common language. Allied blocs of countries tend to have a common language that helps to bind separate states/people together. Blocs...
Uyghur Persecution – 6 things you can do
1. Write to Muslim Embassy’s and your Member of Parliament asking them to call for immediate access to the “reducation camps” in China, by the United Nations. 2. Call for the cancellation of the winter Olympics 2022 being held in China in the mainstream/social media, Write letters to editors of newspapers. 3. Write to your...
Creating a New Civilisation of Islam Webinar
This webinar will summarise the key findings, themes and ideas of Ayaan Institute’s first research, a discussion paper called “Creating a New Civilisation of Islam” aimed at developing an Ummah centric approach to Muslim global affairs.
Creating a New Civilisation of Islam
The Muslim world appears to be in crisis. Divided into 53 Muslim majority nation-states, seemingly powerless, economically under-developed, dependent on the West, Russia, or China, in conflict and facing oppression. How did Muslims and their countries arrive at this situation and how can they change it? These are the central questions raised in the Ayaan Institute’s flagship founding discussion paper “Creating a New Civilisation of Islam”.
How Football is Helping to Restore ties between Qatar and Gulf States
In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, the Maldives, Mauritania, Senegal, Djibouti, the Comoros, Jordan, the Tobruk -based Libyan government, and the Hadi -led Yemeni government broke diplomatic relations with Qatar. Air flights, sea and land routes from Qatar were closed. Qatar has staunchly resisted caving into Saudi and Emirati demands, which...
The State of Muslim Trade and Business
An examination of some Muslim majority nation states and their trade relationships highlights just how dependent they have become on the West.