Were the Arab Spring Protests a Revolution?

Were the Arab Spring Protests a Revolution?

10 years ago, on the 25 January 2011, a wave of mass protests started in Egypt, following on from those in Tunisia ( which started the previous year). These popular mobilisations of people across different Arab countries are now being widely referred to as revolutions in the media. However, did these protests, and what came...

An Ummah of Refugees: Our Treatment of Muslim Refugees fails the Test of Brotherhood.

An Ummah of Refugees: Our Treatment of Muslim Refugees fails the Test of Brotherhood.

A report by Brown University analysing the human costs of war (September 2020), claims some 37 million people have become refugees since the start of the “war on Terror”. The displaced people includes 5.3 million Afghans, 9.2 million Iraqis, 3.7 million Pakistanis, 1.7 million Filipinos, 4.2 million Somalis, 4.4 million Yemenis, 1.2 million Libyans, and 7.1...