The end of the American Raj and civilising mission in Afghanistan

The end of the American Raj and civilising mission in Afghanistan

The U.S. and Western governments have evacuated their employees from Afghanistan ready to leave the country by August 31, after 20 years of occupation. The UK government evacuated some 15,000 employees (including Afghans) and left around 1,000 employees behind, with some estimates putting the figure at 9,000. Yet the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which foreign forces...

Pakistan faces its most dangerous times

Pakistan faces its most dangerous times

Dangerous Times for Pakistan As Pakistan celebrates another Independence Day anniversary, it faces perhaps one of the most dangerous periods in its history. The Pakistani state has always been caught between superpower rivalry. Pakistan and India were twin states born out of the womb of a dying British superpower. At birth the Pakistani state ended...

Srebrenica – remember the dead but don’t forget the living

Srebrenica – remember the dead but don’t forget the living

As a 9-year-old girl, I remember vividly during one of my summer vacations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, sitting in front of the television whose language was still unintelligible to me, and watching scenes whose substance needed no explanation.  The clips contained images of old women hunched over headstones, shedding tears into clasped hands whilst coffins...

20 Years of the War on Terror

20 Years of the War on Terror

This September, it will be 20 years since the 9-11 attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda, and the launch of the United States led global “war on terror” (WOT). No single event has affected/defined the Muslim Ummah globally as much as the WOT (possibly since the launch of the Crusades in 1095). The...

Syria an Election without an Electorate

Syria an Election without an Electorate

The Syrian Presidential election takes place today, 26th May. Few people aside from Bashar Al Assad and his backers are taking them seriously. There is only one outcome that most are expecting. Like dictators of other countries and the past, Assad will no doubt obtain a large majority (somewhere around 95-99% of the vote tends...

Genocide, Nationalism and International law.

Genocide, Nationalism and International law.

Genocide, Nationalism and International law. Genocide is a heinous crime. The intentional attempt to punish or wipe out a people for any reason, be it political, religious, or racial falls foul of International conventions on genocide. Intent being the key word here. Even in wars, whether internal between communities or external against other countries, collectively...

Ramadan: When Brotherhood, Ummah and Unity Come Alive.

Ramadan: When Brotherhood, Ummah and Unity Come Alive.

The Muslim world today consists of 53 Muslim majority nation states and around 1.8 billion people. Millions of Muslims also live as minorities in non-Muslim majority states. The global Ummah includes people of different cultures, ethnicities, and tribes. There are millions of Muslims being persecuted around the world, many living as refugees or displaced people....

End of the Ottoman Caliphate: The ‘Real Story’

End of the Ottoman Caliphate: The ‘Real Story’

The 3rd of March 1924 is a date etched in most Muslim minds as the moment the Ottoman Khilāfah (Caliphate) ended. This year, some Muslims are commemorating the 100-year anniversary (in the Hijri calendar) since the end of the Khilāfah. It marked the end of a title, political system, and ideal that had existed in one shape or another...