How Social Media Disinformation and Hindutva Propaganda Incited Hate between Hindus and Muslims During the Disorder in Leicester in 2022

How Social Media Disinformation and Hindutva Propaganda Incited Hate between Hindus and Muslims During the Disorder in Leicester in 2022

In 2022 disorder broke out between Hindu and Muslim youths in Leicester that disturbed the widely held perception of good community relations in the city. Four years later attempts at investigations by the Council and the Government to establish what happened have not yet been published. Pressure from Hindutva lobbies has hampered the investigations to date.

However, there is now a greater awareness of Hindutva ideology, politics, and tactics in the media and society, although there is still a long way to go.

An excellent piece of research by Professor Mohan Dutta has recently been published about how digital platforms amplified Hindutva narratives during the Leicester disorder in 2022.

We publish the paper in full, with the permission of the author/publisher. However, given the subject’s complex nature, Ayaan has provided some conclusions drawn from this and other analyses by answering pertinent questions for policymakers.

Summary of “Digital platforms, Hindutva, and Disinformation: Communicative strategies and the Leicester violence”

  • Author: Mohan J. Dutta
  • Focus: Examines the role of digital platforms in amplifying Hindutva ideology and Islamophobic hate during the Leicester violence in September 2022.
  • Key Findings:
    • Digital infrastructure facilitates the spread of disinformation and hate.
    • The slogan “Jai Shree Ram” is used to incite communal tensions.
    • Hindutva narratives portray Muslims as threats, intersecting with white supremacy.
  • Methodology: Digital ethnography across platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, analyzing posts and community responses.
  • Publisher:  Published by Informa, UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

What role do digital platforms play in the dissemination of Hindutva ideology?

Digital platforms serve as critical communicative resources for disseminating Hindutva ideology by facilitating the rapid spread of disinformation and hate. They connect Hindus globally, creating a networked community that amplifies narratives portraying Muslims as threats and Hindus as victims. Additionally, platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube enhance the visibility and virality of Hindutva media, reinforcing the ideology through coordinated propaganda efforts.

How do Hindutva Twitter Handles Construct Narratives about Muslims?

Hindutva Twitter handles construct narratives about Muslims by portraying them as inherently violent and framing them as threats to Hindu society. They employ communicative inversion, depicting Muslim concerns as “fake news” while simultaneously claiming victimhood for Hindus. This strategy legitimizes calls for violence against Muslims and reinforces the narrative of Hindutva as a peaceful and protective ideology.

How does Hindutva utilize digital platforms to spread disinformation?

Hindutva utilizes digital platforms to spread disinformation by creating and circulating misleading narratives that target minority communities, particularly Muslims. These platforms facilitate the rapid dissemination of false information, often framing Muslims as sources of violence and portraying Hindus as victims in need of protection. Additionally, Hindutva accounts leverage the affordances of social media to amplify these narratives, ensuring they reach a wide audience and contribute to a climate of fear and division.

What role do Twitter handles play in constructing narratives around Hindutva and Muslims?

Twitter handles play a significant role in constructing narratives around Hindutva and Muslims by disseminating targeted messages that frame Muslims as violent and Hindus as victims. They utilize strategies like communicative inversion to distort realities, portraying Hindutva as a peaceful movement while justifying violence against Muslims. Additionally, these handles create a networked community that amplifies hate speech and disinformation, reinforcing the ideological framework of Hindutva.

How do online networks of Hindutva spread globally and what role does Twitter play in this process?

Online networks of Hindutva spread globally by leveraging digital platforms to circulate disinformation and hate, connecting users across geographic boundaries. Twitter plays a central role in this process by facilitating real-time communication, allowing for the rapid sharing of narratives that frame Hindus as victims and Muslims as threats. This amplification on Twitter helps to create a cohesive global Hindutva community, mobilizing support and reinforcing ideological beliefs.

How do Hindutva Twitter handles legitimize calls for violence against Muslims?

Hindutva Twitter handles legitimize calls for violence against Muslims by framing Muslims as inherent threats and portraying violence as a necessary form of self-defense for Hindus. They employ narratives that depict Hindus as victims of Muslim aggression, thus justifying violent responses as acts of protection. Additionally, these handles often juxtapose calls for violence with claims of promoting peace, creating a contradictory yet persuasive discourse that normalizes aggression against Muslims.

How does the narrative of ‘Hindu in danger’ contribute to the spread of Islamophobia?

The narrative of ‘Hindu in danger’ contributes to the spread of Islamophobia by framing Muslims as existential threats to Hindu safety and identity, thereby inciting fear and hostility. This portrayal fosters a victimhood complex among Hindus, which is used to justify aggressive actions against Muslims as necessary for self-defense. Consequently, it reinforces stereotypes of Muslims as violent and dangerous, further entrenching Islamophobic sentiments within society.

What role do digital platforms play in amplifying communal tensions and violence?

Digital platforms amplify communal tensions and violence by facilitating the rapid spread of hate speech, disinformation, and inflammatory narratives that exacerbate existing conflicts. They serve as channels for organizing and mobilizing support around violent ideologies, often framing communal violence in a way that justifies aggression. Furthermore, these platforms mediatize offline violence, creating a feedback loop where online discourse influences real-world actions and vice versa.

What is the significance of the slogan ‘Jai Shree Ram’ in the context of Hindutva narratives?

The slogan ‘Jai Shree Ram’ is significant in Hindutva narratives as it serves as a rallying cry that mobilizes support for Hindu identity and communal solidarity while simultaneously inciting violence against Muslims. It is historically linked to key events, such as the demolition of the Babri Masjid, and is used to frame Hindus as victims needing protection from perceived Muslim threats. The slogan’s invocation in various contexts reinforces a narrative of Hindu victimhood and legitimizes aggressive actions under the guise of self-defense.

What narratives are constructed around Muslims in the context of communal violence?

Narratives constructed around Muslims in the context of communal violence often depict them as inherently violent, aggressive, and as invaders threatening Hindu society. These narratives frame Muslims as the common enemy, portraying them as responsible for communal tensions and violence, thus justifying retaliatory actions by Hindus. Additionally, they utilize dehumanizing language and imagery, reinforcing stereotypes that contribute to widespread Islamophobia and societal polarization.

What role does the narrative of the ‘Muslim invader’ play in Hindutva propaganda?

The narrative of the ‘Muslim invader’ plays a crucial role in Hindutva propaganda by framing Muslims as historical aggressors who threaten Hindu civilization and identity. This portrayal fosters a sense of victimhood among Hindus, justifying defensive violence against Muslims as a necessary response to an ongoing existential threat. By perpetuating this narrative, Hindutva propaganda seeks to unify Hindus against a common enemy, reinforcing communal divisions and legitimizing discriminatory practices.

In what ways do online networks of Hindutva spread globally and contribute to communal violence?

Online networks of Hindutva spread globally by leveraging social media platforms to disseminate disinformation, mobilize support, and create a sense of community among Hindus across different geographic locations. They contribute to communal violence by amplifying hate speech, framing narratives that incite aggression against Muslims, and organizing real-world actions that manifest these ideologies. Additionally, these networks facilitate the rapid circulation of propaganda that connects local incidents of violence to a broader global Hindutva agenda, reinforcing intercommunal tensions.

How does the narrative of the ‘Muslim invader’ contribute to the portrayal of Hindus under attack?

The narrative of the ‘Muslim invader’ contributes to the portrayal of Hindus under attack by framing historical and contemporary conflicts as a continuation of a long-standing struggle against Muslim aggression. This narrative positions Hindus as victims defending their culture and identity from perceived threats, thereby legitimizing acts of violence as necessary self-defense. By emphasizing this victimhood, the narrative fosters communal solidarity among Hindus while further marginalizing and demonizing Muslims.

In what ways are Hindutva accounts connected across different digital platforms?

Hindutva accounts are connected across different digital platforms through a networked infrastructure that includes social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, as well as messaging apps like Telegram. These accounts often share content, amplify each other’s messages, and engage in cross-platform interactions, enhancing their visibility and credibility. This interconnectedness allows for the rapid dissemination of Hindutva narratives and the mobilization of support, creating a cohesive digital ecosystem that reinforces their ideological goals.

What roles do organizations like RSS, BJP, and VHP play in the dissemination of Hindutva ideology?

Organizations like RSS, BJP, and VHP play a pivotal role in the dissemination of Hindutva ideology by providing structured frameworks for mobilization, community organization, and political advocacy. They utilize both traditional and digital media to propagate their narratives, fostering a sense of Hindu identity and unity while promoting anti-Muslim sentiments. These organizations also engage in grassroots activities, such as community events and educational programs, to reinforce their ideological messages and expand their influence both in India and among the Indian diaspora.

In what ways has the portrayal of Muslims as a common enemy influenced interfaith relations?

The portrayal of Muslims as a common enemy has significantly strained interfaith relations by fostering distrust, hatred, and polarization between religious communities. This narrative undermines dialogue and cooperation, as it frames Muslims as threats to societal values and safety, leading to increased hostility and social division. Consequently, it hampers efforts for peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding, as the prevailing atmosphere of suspicion and conflict often overshadows interfaith initiatives.

What strategies do Hindutva accounts employ to legitimize violence against Muslims?

Hindutva accounts employ several strategies to legitimize violence against Muslims, including the use of communicative inversion, where they portray Muslims as the aggressors while framing Hindus as victims in need of protection. They also invoke historical narratives, such as the ‘Muslim invader’ trope, to justify violent actions as necessary for self-defense and the preservation of Hindu identity. Additionally, these accounts often juxtapose calls for violence with claims of promoting peace and harmony, creating a facade that obscures the underlying hate and aggression.

What types of messages has journalist Aina Khan received since the Leicester violence?

Aina Khan has received a torrent of sexist, racist, and Islamophobic messages since the Leicester violence, including threats telling her to blow herself up and derogatory comments accusing her of condoning extremist Muslims. She has also faced personal attacks, such as being called a whore, and has been critiqued in a video and opinion hit piece targeting her journalism. Khan expressed that she expected this backlash as part of her experience as a journalist covering sensitive topics.

Digital platforms Hindutva and disinformation communicative strategies

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