The Persecution of Uighur Muslims

The Persecution of Uighur Muslims

When I first became aware of the Uighur oppression I never expected any Muslim leader to do anything about it.  Regardless of which state you come from or have a loyalty to, one should never support an oppressor, by word even if you cannot do anything by actions.  We should fulfill our duty to Allah and to those who are oppressed.

It is not acceptable to argue that there are 8 million people in Kashmir living in an open prison and their need and condition is greater than 2 million people in China, because of numbers. Both are unacceptable.

We cannot remain silent to a genocide and destruction of people for their religious beliefs, anywhere.  The more our leaders are silent the more we, and people of courage, individuals or in governments around the world need to speak up.  The foreign minister of Gambia took steps to press charges against the Myanmar government for example.

There will be a lot of holocaust memorials this week. The lesson we should have learnt is, if many states had acted a lot earlier, millions of Jews may not have been killed.

We just need to ensure we fulfill our duties as individuals or communities whilst we have freedom to do so, and push states to act.

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