Ayaan Institute Calls for a Police Investigation into Israel Lobby Groups under the National Security Act 2023.

Ayaan Institute Calls for a Police Investigation into Israel Lobby Groups under the National Security Act 2023.

In April this year on LBC, Sir Alan Duncan a former foreign minister, claimed that the Conservative Friends of Israel have an undue influence on British government policy stating, “The Conservative Friends of Israel has been doing the bidding of Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government to exercise undue influence at the top of government.”

Yesterday at a press conference Sir Alan Duncan  stated “Money, improper influence, and the promotion of Israeli interests above our own have contributed to the destruction of the UK’s independent foreign policy,” he said, adding: “The flow of money and the influence behind the scenes that attaches to it need to be exposed.”  He also named the Board of Deputies of British Jews in exerting the interests of the Israeli state on the British Government, among others. https://youtu.be/XVV3ZfzAnls

In 2017 Aljazeera produced a 4-part investigation called “The Lobby” looking at the undue and harmful influence of the Israeli lobby on British politics and political parties to further the interests of the Israeli State. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzGHKb8i9vTzCgnbENCKuz7fqU12xNBce

The mass slaughter taking place in Gaza and the failure of our politicians to condemn Israel and act against the Israeli state have damaged this country’s reputation and interests around the world.

Given all the above, we believe it is incumbent on the British Police to:-

  1. Immediately investigate the activities of Friends of Israel Groups in all political parties, and other groups named by Sir Alan and the Aljazeera investigations, for their undue and detrimental influence on British politics, under the relevant sections of the National Security Act 2023.
  2. Investigate the sources of funding of these Israeli lobby groups.
  3. Take criminal actions against those deemed to have breached sections of the Act, including against MPs.
  4. To produce a report for the public and advise politicians and parliament to clean up their act.
  5. To require Israel lobby groups to register under the Acts Foreign Influence Registration Scheme (FIRS) of the Act.

The relevant offenses that we believe could have been committed under the National Security Act 2023 sections relating to foreign influence:-

Foreign interference

“The principal aim of the foreign interference offences is to create a more challenging operating environment for, and to deter and disrupt the activities of, foreign states who seek to undermine UK interests, our institutions, political system, or our rights, and ultimately prejudice our national security.”

We also call on concerned civil society groups, MPs,  political parties, and lawyers to petition the Police to act. We call on the British Parliament and politicians to clean up British politics from egregious conflicts of interest at the behest of all external interests and influences.

For Further Information Contact: email info@ayaaninstitute.com

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